
    Recently there has been an explosion in the  number of ways followers of Jesus Christ have used certain kinds of “tools” in presenting, proclaiming and explaining the gospel to outsiders. Some of these “tools” have been audio/video in nature, others have been books and pamphlets that can be distributed, to name a few.  

    For example booklets and diagrams have been used as tools to share the gospel and they have been justified by claiming they help make it easier to stay on the subject, allow visual as well as verbal explanation, are a natural “leaving piece”, and even in a condensed form still retain the most important elements of the gospel. Current tools that come to mind that could “fit” with conversational, dialogical and relational evangelism would include things like the Four Laws Booklet (Cru), The Bridge Diagram (Navigators), Four Worlds Presentation (InterVarsity), and ones we are developing.  

    Perhaps you are not interested in using any tools to share the gospel in your conversations (and that’s fine), but we think all of these sorts of tools can be useful if mastered and used intelligently. Since we are creating this site for you we will take some time to look at these tools and suggest what we consider to be their strengths and weaknesses for use with your colleagues. Perhaps there are ways they can be properly incorporated into the style of conversational, relational and dialogical evangelism we have been talking about. © Academic Connections, International