Integrative Relational Theory

    A great deal of what we have been talking about in this section is practicing good principles of persuasive communication--in a distinctively non-manipulative motif.  In a variety of ways we have been suggesting ways to help you provide opportunities for people indicate their interest in spiritual things and the great things of the gospel.  When people pass through that “filter” you can feel more comfortable about dialoguing about these things and we suggest you look into the resources we have suggested in this section to best engage.

    We have not set forth an explicit and comprehensive “relational and conversational” theory on this site.  Rather we have sketched certain aspects of what could be developed into such because at this level of explanation we have been interested in the pragmatic effectiveness of things rather than elucidating a theory.  But that doesn’t mean it can’t be done.

    In later editions of this site we will develop this into a more full-blooded theory when we discuss in detail topics like: the nature of mind/body problem, human nature, the sort of freedom human beings have (agency, compatibilism, and so forth) and how all this fits into or emerges from a Biblical view. © Academic Connections, International