Where is God in My Delivery?

We have emphasized the importance of virtues and excellences in performing the role of a spiritual guide.  These have included things like theological acuity, conversational skills, discernment, locating your audience and so forth in our list of those virtues.  In so doing it is possible to understand the role of spiritual guidance as largely or even completely a competency issue.

    And the question can be asked, is this spiritual guidance purely a human activity....or is God involved in this in any way?  And if so in what way?

    We have suggested elsewhere on this site that the development of these virtues as a part of our spiritual formation is indeed a God-dependent activity.  First, as a part of our stewardship of the gifts and abilities He has given us and our response to his call to be involved in the ministry of reconciliation, we believe it is important trust God to develop these virtues (habits of excellence) into our lives. We’re not suggesting a passive stance, rather we’re encouraging the development of good skills, dispositions and habits as a means, too.

    We also believe that as we walk with God and are available to Him to be used as a spiritual guide, He can work through us.  And so we urge you to consciously depend on God to work through you beyond your words and activities even as you practice your role as a spiritual guide and ambassador.  This sort of conscious dependence is meant as a way of life; we simply applied to this specific activity--not that every second we are directly and consciously contemplating God, rather we are living and training with an attitude of ultimate trust on God to bring about the sort of results He wants in our lives and the sort of productivity for His Kingdom He desires.

    We do our 100%, He does His 100%.  His 100% is much more important than our 100%.  Keeping that in mind will help you to get beyond the effectiveness of mere competency (something we believe is necessary to aim for and achieve) and into a spiritually empowered ministry.

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