“Spark Plug” Interviews

   Archived Video Interviews with faculty members who successfully started or re-started Christian faculty communities:

   Steve Jolly played a key role in starting and sustaining the faculty ministry at the University of Colorado at Boulder.  Beginning in the early 1990s through and into 2000 he worked on getting folks together regularly and planning many successful outreaches on campus.

   John, or as he was better known as “Row”, was a very effective leader.  He began with a group of faculty members who were in a Bible study he was leading and expanded that to a Steering Committee and eventually organized regular Christian faculty meetings (up to 2 held a month).  The initial groups grew from about 20 to about 85+ to 100 after two years!

   Edwin came to CSU from Purdue University to find that the Christian Faculty Fellowship at CSU had fallen on hard times and was pretty much defunct other than a list of names.  He had a vision of a particular kind of Christian faculty ministry there and we see in this interview how well it was going after a couple of years. 

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