Academic Connections, International © Academic Connections, International
Resources for Christ and Culture Mentoring
Christ and culture resources either organized by or developed for you
by Academic Connections
ACI (Written) Related Articles:
• ACI White Paper on Peer to Peer Evangelism (Social Research on Academic Culture)
• Jesus and Academic Culture, Part 1 (Introduction)
• Jesus and Academic Culture, Part 2 (Keeping Christ in the Market Place of Ideas, in Academe)
• Jesus and Academic Culture, Part 3 (Shifting from Seeking Truth to Seeking Social Justice)
• Jesus and Academic Culture, Part 4 (Critical Theory and Critical Theories)
• Jesus and Academic Culture, Part 5 (Answering Concerns and Criticisms)
• Worldview and Thinking Integratively Part 1
• Worldview and Thinking Integratively Part 2
• Tertullian and Clement of Alexandria--What has Jerusalem to do with Athens?
• Faith and Reason (In the 21st Century)
ACI Developed Research Portals:
• Christian Cultural Influence Resources
• Secular Cultural Influence Resources
ACI (Produced) Related Videos
A. Christ and Culture Videos
Podcast Series: What Niebuhr and Carson Have to Say about Christ and Culture
• Podcast #1: Introduction to the Series (13 min)
• Addendum for Podcast #1
• Podcast #2: Chapter 1 from Niebuhr’s Christ and Culture (20:48 min)
• Handout A (Notes on “Acknowledgments" & "Chapter 1")
• Resource B (Slides on Two Forms of Postmodernism)
• Resource C (ACI Article, “Worldview and Thinking Christianly”)
• Handout D (Slides on Chapter 1 from Niebuhr’s Christ and Culture)
• Podcast #3: Niebuhr’s Typology (29 min)
• Handout A (Notes on Niebhur’s 5 Types)
• Handout B (Slides on Niebuhr’s 5 Types)
• Podcast #4: D.A. Carson’s Critique of Niebuhr’s Work (17:05 min)
• Handout A (Slides on Carson’s Critique)
• Podcast #5: D.A. Carson’s Alternative in Christ and Culture Revisited (12:43 min)
• Handout A (Slides on Carson’s Alternative)
• Podcast #6: Big Ideas that Influence Academic Culture (13:48 min)*
• Resource A (ACI article, "Faith and Reason")
• Resource B (Slides: Brief Summary of the History of Philosophical Ideas)
• Resource C (Webpage: History of Ideas)
• Resource D (Webpage: Revisiting the History of Ideas)
• Resource E (Summary of the Reformation 5 “solas”)
• Handout F (Slides on Big Ideas That Influence Academic Culture)
• Podcast #7: A Division Among Present Day Evangelicals (27:37 min)
• Handout A (Notes on Scalia Video: "'What Does “Left” and “Right” Mean'")
• Resource B (Video Lecture - Justice Antonin Scalia - What Does “Left” and “Right” Mean)
• Resource C (Summary of the Reformation 5 “solas”)
• Resource D (Machen’s “Christ and Culture” article)
• Handout E (The Problem of Correlation)
• Handout F (Slides from The Division Among Present Day Evangelicals)
• Podcast #8: Going Forward (20:16 min)
• Handout A (ACI White Paper on Peer to Peer Evangelism Among U. Faculty)
• Resource B [11 minute ACI produced video, “A Primer on Critical Theory (and Critical Theories)]
• Resource C (ACI article: Jesus and Academic Culture #2, Presenting the Gospel in Academe)
• Resource D (ACI article: Jesus and Academic Culture #3, Shifting From Seeking Truth to Seeking Social Justice)
• Resource E (ACI article: Jesus and Academic Culture #4, Critical Theory and Critical Theories)
• Resource F (ACI article: Jesus and Academic Culture #5, Answering Concerns and Critics)
• Handout G (Notes on Scalia Video: What Does “Left” and “Right” Mean)
• Resource H (Video Lecture - Justice Antonin Scalia - What Does “Left” and “Right” Mean)
• Handout I (Slides from Going Forward)
Abstract for Podcast Series (above)
This is a Podcast Series that we are calling Jesus and Academic Culture because that's where we end up. It begins by discussing our analysis of two imporant thinkers have had to say about Christians relating to general culture, but then the series focuses on questions like, how do and how should Christian scholars spiritually and intellectually “fit in” at secular universities; and what does academic culture have to do with how we might do evangelism (or perhaps pre-evangelism) in the mileiu of higher education?
After the introduction, the series begins with an analysis of parts of two books written by Christian scholars. We want to take their insights and what we learn as we analyze and evaluate their work and use that for focusing on what we think evangelicals who are either going into or who are presently members of academe need to understand about academic culture, from a Christian perspective. We’ll also explore ways evangelical Christians within academe can have a positive impact on their culture. While this Podcast series can be used "stand alone," it was intended to be set up by our staff per series with an individual or with a small group involved in our ministry. In our field testing, using that approach with each Podcast (in the series) seems to promote clarity, better resolve ambiguities and create stimulating discussion regarding its implications.
B. Christ and Academic Culture Video
• Introduction to Christ and Academic Culture
• A Primer on Critical Theory and Critical Theories
Selected Starter Bibliography:
*Carson, D.A. Christ & Culture Revisited. Eerdmans, 2008.
Crouch, Andy. Culture Making: Recovering Our Creative Calling. IVP, 2013.
Dik, Bryan. Redeeming Work: A Guide Discovering God’s Calling for Your Career. West Conshohocken, PA: Templeton Press, 2020.
Dik, Bryan and Duffy, Ryan. Make Your Job Your Calling. Templeton Press, 2013.
Inazu, John and Timothy Keller ed. Uncommon Ground: Living Faithfully in a World of Difference. Nashville, TN: Nelson Books, 2020.
Moreland, J.P. Scientism and Secularism: Learning to Respond to a Dangerous Ideology. Wheaton, Ill: Crossway, 2018.
Myer, Stephen C. Return of the God Hypothesis: Three Scientific Discoveries that Reveal the Mind Behind the Universe. HarperCollins: New York City, 2021.
*Naugle, David K. Worldview: The History of a Concept. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing, 2002.
*Niebuhr, H. Richard. Christ and Culture. Harper & Row, 1975.
Newbigin, Lesslie. The Gospel in a Pluralist Society. Eerdmans, 1989.
_______. Foolishness to the Greeks: The Gospel and Western Culture. Eerdman’s, 1988.
_______.Truth to Tell: The Gospel as Public Truth (Osterhaven Lecture). Eerdmans, 1991.
Schaeffer, Francis. How Should We Then Live?: The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture. Crossway, 2022.
_______. A Christian View of Philosophy and Culture. Crossway, 1985.
Smith, James K.A. Desiring the Kingdom: Worship, Worldview and Cultural Formation (Cultural Liturgies). Baker Academic, 2009.
VanDrunen, David. Living in God’s Two Kingdoms: A Biblical Vision for Christianity and Culture. Crossway, First Edition, 2010.
Wolters, Albert. Creation Regained: Biblical Basis for a Reformational Worldview, 2nd edition. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans.